The Forest of Which I Come // TJ Romero
My campfire of passion burns intensely with the wood of my soul from the forest of which I come.
Before allowing myself into the forest, the trails I chose to explore led me on journeys with no intent.
Now, I am here.
After exploring each fantastic fracture of my bark, I stand here before you.
Perhaps the same man to you. I now am conscious of each distinguishing characteristic of which makes me stand tall.
My world led me to believe staying low to the ground and doubting my instincts would one day help me flourish into the trees I am surrounded by.
Before the forest, my vision was obstructed.
Here I stand before you. Perhaps the same man to you.
The way I feel my native, unfiltered soul decisively saturate everything I do tells me I'm more intensely the same man you used to know.
My campfire of passion burns intensely with the wood of my soul from the forest of which I come.
Pull up a chair and join me.
Thank you to the many photographers who have embraced me on my journey. Cheers to you Adam Houseman, Casie Zalud, Dana Romanoff, Audrey Michel, Christina Kiffney, and the countless others whom I've had the pleasure to work with.